Apr 21, 2009

What NIAEF is about


The primary goal of NIAEF is to empower a united charitable appeal to organize, create and sponsor public-funded educational projects that benefit Native Indian American (NIA) students and teachers, of all tribes and nations, by providing educational initiatives that combine and include contemporary educational modes of learning with diverse Native Indian American traditional methods and modes of learning.

The plan–through voluntary service and charity advocacy, is to unite in spirit and invite to the forefront, those of benevolence who are ready and willing to work toward a future place in time when Native Indian Americans and all citizens of this native land will unite and seize an opportunity to once again find our way, share our hopes....live our dreams.

The purpose of NIAEF is to create a monetary fund that will address the educational needs of American Indian tribes. These tenets we believe in for American Indians will be to:

  1. Assess the needs of the Native Indian American (NIA) student populace.
  2. Clearly articulate a NIA sense of mission.
  3. Promote shared values of all Native Indian American tribes.
  4. Execute flexible and adaptable inter-tribal fund raising programs.
  5. Institute committed independent NIA studies programs in schools and colleges.
  6. Revise practical assumptions and practical applications of modern educational techniques.
  7. Undertake the shared responsibility of raising NIA capital funds.
  8. Actively participatin in supporting diverse NIA educational goals.
  9. Initiate both internal and external means for evaluating current NIA scholastic programs.
  10. Resolve to remove common barriers that slow scholastic matriculation and re-examine failure rates of Native American students.

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